ANI is a Nigeria not-for-profit organisation focussed on the sustainable management of protected areas of outstanding biodiversity value in partnership with local communities and government. We provide this through ranger-led law enforcement, community engagement and development delivered through long-term management and partnership agreements.
We believe that protected areas can be engines for development of local communities and the country. We aim to establish enabling conditions for private sector investment that sustain protection of landscapes over the long term and reduces the dependency of these landscapes on philanthropy and government spending.
ANI believes that for conservation to be sustainable in Africa it must:
Improve lives and livelihoods in tangible ways
Deliver value to regional and national government
Attract and excite African entrepreneurs and provide business opportunities to businesses that are compatible with and reinforce conservation objectives.
To this end, ANI works closely with African leadership and communities and establishes platforms to encourage private sector investment including ecotourism, non-timber forest products and carbon services.
We currently operate in landscapes in Nigeria - learn more about our work below.